09: LGBTQA - Sept 2021

They Are Normal

curves of a goddess dreams flows down Their shoulders like a river oshun is Their mother melanin skin because They’re direct descendants of their ancestors Their superpower is to be super-normal They can walk down the street without being sexualized They can take a train without fear of Their lives They can exist in a world without being asked to identify as a boy or a girl They can kiss Their partner in public without…

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06: Open - June 2021


love me, love my body let me thaw for two days then bathe me in your vinegar rub your hands down into my sex I am born again, cured by your hands. turn me over, and peel back my skin  stick your knife deep into my body give me your cross-hatch kisses I’m ready to be stuffed oregano, garlic, oil, adobo y salt to taste stick your fingers inside me it’s okay baby, we are…

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