06: Open - June 2021

Grief is Brutal

Like endless snapshots lost in a moment 
 leaving no physical presence behind. 

 This is a time when words don’t seem to resonate to despair. 
 and honesty can't be compromised through the tears. 
 Movement feels like a betrayal.
 When words don’t do justice.
 The question of '' How can I without you?". 
Then God gives you the strength, replaces a void with peace. 
 Later, you will find their voice in the little things. 
 Slowly you can breathe again.
 Comfort, no longer completely futile
 as you share your vulnerabilities, solace is found in their memory. 
Beautiful, beyond beautiful
 Hope received in return.
 Remembering they opened the deepest door of their soul to you 
 And finding gratitude in the moments you shared 
Reality, as you escape from the airplane view.
 Reality, it will sink through.
 Your heart will begin to accept their life as lived
 and you will embrace the memories that came before the pain. 
 Comfort, guided by their presence will carry you strong 
 and the void becomes a window where you feel them in your heart. 
Maybe, the immense sadness for lives envisioned may linger from time to time. 
 But grieving itself is a journey we will have to tolerate the cliffhangers
 till we find the answers in the beyond.
 Sometimes closure arrives when you least expect it. 
 Till then we will have to find ways to live significantly. 
 For life is a gift, and they would want you to live. 

-Lucinda De Almeida

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