10: Spirituality - Oct 2021

Kambo Call

Feeling fear, nerves and dread,
Welcome ancestors to be by my bed,
Draw them in,
By my side,
Watch over me, whilst I reside,
Blackbird enters, pulling worms,
From the earth outside,
Drawing me to the unknown,
Planting seeds to be sown,
Giving strength, guiding light,
Pushing me to trust and unite.
Ancient green reset valve,
Nothing is going to feel so foul,
Carrying it over many years,
Pounding sounds around my ears,
Purple, yellow, green and brown,
Purging the burden to dissolve and drown,
Tremors and glimmers of the deep burn,
Now it is time to embrace your turn,
Calm relief and warmth unites,
Shining beautiful through day and night,
Patterns broken
New waves can form,
Tides have turned,
You are reborn.

- Lix

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